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Accelerating digital equity for underserved communities around the world.

HP LIFE is a global training program available both online and offline via Learning Equality’s Kolibri platform.

HP LIFE gives people all over the world the opportunity to build skills for the future— whether they want to start or grow their own business, enter the workforce or secure a better job—by providing access to free, accessible IT and business skills training courses in eight languages.

HP would like to partner with the YMCA Movement as part of its newly announced commitment to accelerate digital equity and improve learning outcomes for 150 million people by 2030. Goals are to improve economic empowerment, healthcare, and education.

The partnership will be between the HP Foundation and its HP LIFE programme and the World Alliance of YMCAs.

Our programs and partnerships enable people all over the world to bring their dreams of economic independence to life.

To take the courses pleas find the attached documents below, for instruction and steps.

Download this file (HP lIFE final .pdf)HP LIFE Training Document[ ]297 kB

Global Youth Mobilization 

Name of the project: Prevention of COVID- 19 pandemic among the most at risk population in Addis Ababa.

Partnership: World Alliance of YMCAs

Description of the project

The project aims at awareness on COVID-19 among young domestic workers on COVID-19 and help those who are out of business due to the pandemic. The project organizes educational session and food support to the target group. In addition to this, 50 young female domestic workers empower through life skill based technical and vocational skill training mainly food preparation and hospitality training. Young people ae at the heart of this project and play a pivotal role in mobilization and implementation.   

The Impact of COVID on Informal Workers

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Ethiopia organized a  workshop to address  on the impact of COVID-19 on youth in the informal sectors in November 3, 2020 at Capital Hotel – Addis Ababa.

A recent report published by Fridrich Ebert Stiftung on the Impact of COVID in the Informal Economy (2020) asserts that close to 90 per cent of the sub-Saharan African labour force works in the informal economy. Informal economy workers, who are mostly self-employed, are particularly vulnerable to health shocks since they are mostly not covered by social protection systems, earn their livelihood from low and irregular incomes, are not adequately represented in local and national governance structures, and are not protected by labour laws.

Ethiopia is  one of the hard-hits countries with COVID 19 and it’s majority of labor force dwell in the informal sectors. In his opening speech,  Mr.  Ayalew Ahmed, Vice President of CETU said that the informal workers in Ethiopia could be at higher risk of losing their job due to COVID but they are less covered in the legal and social protection systems. Mr. Demisse, representing CETU, one of the panelist said that  COVID would have tremendous impact on the informal workers, especially those work as street vendors, house maid, waitress, etc.

impact 1

Informal economy workers and their families remain exposed to the virus even if they stay at home, because they often live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions that make physical distancing virtually impossible. A lack of access to running water not only limits the possibilities for hand-washing, it often forces women to line up for water, thereby endangering themselves and their community. (ILO 2020a).

The overwhelming majority of workers in the informal economy have higher exposure to occupational health and safety risks because of the lack of appropriate protection, and thus an increased likelihood of suffering from illness, accident or death. COVID-19 adds to these risks. If they fall ill, most workers do not have guaranteed access to medical care or income security through sickness or employment injury benefits;

Ato Kassahun Mulatu, representative from Addis Ababa City Administration Trade and Industry Bureau presented that bureau has been making stride effort to minimize the occupational risks on the informal workers. As he said, the bureau has been taking some measures such as training, awareness on COVID, hygiene supplies, facilitating better work place for street vendors, Janmeda, etc among the measures taking place by the bureau.

impact 2

Four Youths who work in the informal sector  gave their testimony on how covid impacts their work as most of them admitted there business is at higher risk and disclosure due to COVID and related challenges.

Participants of the workshop share their reflection and make suggestions including the need to have in-depth study on the impact, sustain dialogue and experience sharing, collaboration and networking through forming alliance of decent work (as suggested by YMCA and it’s partners) was among the take homes from the workshop.

Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation

Name of the project: Strengthening the partnership for youth access to life skill based SRHR

KFUK-KFUM Global (YGlobal) (coordinating partner)
YMCA Ethiopia
YWCA Kenya
YPM Tanzania (Youth Peace Makers)

Project description
Improve fundamental knowledge of youth about their sexual and reproductive health. They are missing out on possibilities of a dignified livelihood, such as exercising their human rights and living a sustainable life, as well as experiencing being excluded from the political and economic spheres of society. By providing scientifically correct knowledge about sexual and reproductive health, we build capable, knowledgeable youth that become active citizens in their societies.



YMCA Ethiopia announce a launch of  Media Smart Youth – Ethiopian Movement

YMCA Ethiopia and eight civil society organizations officially launched Media Smart Youth coalition  movement, 9 Nov 2020, at  Capital Hotel, Addis Ababa.

It is evident that digital information technology, including mobile phones, the internet and the wide spread online social networks have transformed how we receive, interact with and create media. The change provides endless opportunities for young people to explore learn and socialize, contributing to their overall personal development.

Media, particularly the online media has become young people’s primary source of information, entertainment and space for exercising their rights.  It has increased their interest and engagement in local, regional and global social as well as political movements. Unfortunately, it has also become a vital space for different groups to communicate and promote their narratives and disseminate fake news and misinformation targeting young people.   

In Ethiopia where media messages dominate political debates and social media like Facebook and Twitter used for activism and organizing political movements, it is increasingly important for young people to engage with media critically and responsibly.

As a strategic tool for Meaningful Youth Engagement, the initiative we are launching, Media Smart Youth (MeSY) aims at empowering young people to easily access, critically analyse and evaluate media and enable them, be more responsible in creating and sharing media messages.  It will contribute in the development work we pursue and civil society movement.

During the official launching over 80 participants from federal and regional government representatives and officials, civil society, youth delegates and media professionals attended the meeting.

Media Smart Youth Ethiopia movement conceptualized and developed by Yohannes Teklu, a development practitioner for the last two decades.  The movement has eight founding member organizations and YMCA Ethiopia hosts and serve as coordinating body of the movement.

ymca ethiopia logo webThe Young Men's Christian Association, YMCA is a worldwide organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, with more than 2 billion beneficiaries from 125 national associations.
YMCA Ethiopia is pioneer in youth development which was first established in 1951. It has over 3000 young champions, 25,000 members and over 50,000 beneficiaries.  Our vision is to empower young people for the renaissance of Africa. We strive for Reaching more than half a million children, youth and women through power space, skill development  and opportunities At Present we work in Addis Ababa, Oromya, Amhara, Sidama, Southern Nation and Nationalities, Tigraye.

Organizational Mission & Vision


Empowering young people for the African Renascence


Develop young people and the whole community for the holistic transformation in body, mind and spirit through innovative program strategies and services.